ARE WE BEGGAR OR............


Once there was a man who is a beggar in the street, he always begs to everyone in the street and he wants to feed other being like dogs, cats, etc. The Businessman who watches this daily for a year as a beggar is having a very good mind as well as at the dinner time he brought the toys from the shops and starts selling them in the street and meanwhile in the daytime he is always complaining about others to his friends. But he strongly believed that he is begging only for help to survive in the world. So the businessman decided to give a different experience to the beggar. 

One day the beggar is kidnapped and he is in the middle of the desert. There is no food or water, and nothing there. But at a distance of 10 to 15 km, there is an old factory, and the beggar decides to move toward the factory. Once he gets into the factory at the top of the factory building there is a water bottle is hanging. First, the beggar decided that there is no chance to get those bottles, So he started searching for the water on the ground for 2 hours. Later he released that the only water there he need to get. He tried 10 to 15 times But he couldn't able to touch the bottle. So he sat on the floor and start thinking, but at the same, he is so thirsty and hungry, That hungerness never let him sit, So he design the plan and took the key points from his previous 15 times of his experience and finally he was close to a water bottle.

when they touch the water bottle, the businessman stands there and asks "what makes you touch this bottle without any stairs". The beggar replied "my hungerness".....The businessman smiled and replied "why not you are hungering for success". then the beggar released his fault.

Now the beggar becomes the businessman

In the above story assigned, we are beggars, Because we are always thought to survive. We don't like the people who are rich and famous. we always point out their fault.

Instead of doing that think about How to develop a "hunger for success", if hungry about success always.if we are "hungry about how to rich" if we are "hungry about how to make a conscious impact in society".No matter what is stopping will be there what you want to be always.  
